Blissful Nuptials

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6 Tips for Setting Your Wedding Date

Your heart is beating fast as the love of your life bends down on one knee. It’s that moment and those four joyous words you’ve been waiting for: WILL YOU MARRY ME?  But before you even say “YES,” the shrill tone to the inevitable ‘have you set a date’ question starts ringing in your ears.  

We all would like to live in this ‘bended-knee’ moment forever but once you begin announcing your engagement to loved ones, you will be bombarded with the same question - “When?”

In the puzzling game of choosing the perfect date, it’s important to understand that there’s much more that goes into the selection. I have compiled 6 helpful tips to get you started.

There are so many factors that play into “setting the date” and, other than the obvious, it’s easy to overlook certain factors that may end up costing you extra money or even ruin travel plans. Using some of these helpful tips can surely ease your mind and make you as confident as you were when you said “yes” to those four joyous words.