The Pros & Cons of Each Wedding Season


Just like most things in life, there will always be a ‘con' to the ‘pro’. For example, when I think of the fall season I think of Pumpkin Spiced Lattes (PRO) and the start of the holiday shopping season (CON). So what are the pros and cons of your wedding season? I dived into each season, outlining the pros and cons, to help you decide which season works best for you.

Spring Wedding - (March, April, May)

Spring is nature’s way of saying, “Let’s Party!” - Robin Williams

  • The only major holidays during this prime season are Memorial Day and Easter which usually means your invited wedding guests may not have vacations or other plans that conflict with your desired wedding date.

  • Coming out of the slumber of winter, flowers begin to blossom! If you are obsessed as I am with flowers, spring may be your season too. Some of the most beautiful flowers bloom during this season, guaranteeing you the best-priced cuts for your special day.

  • Lighting can make or break those precious wedding photos. That’s why most brides tend to choose a springtime wedding because the lighting is optimal. Soft sunlight mixed with late sunsets is a wedding photographer’s dream.

  • Spring has mild weather across the board which generally allows indoor and outdoor activities. No need to hesitate on that beautiful wedding cape you’ve been eyeing because Spring gives you the ideal temperatures to try out different wedding looks.

  • With the majority of brides vying for a spring wedding, it’s expected to have fierce competition when booking a popular venue. Plus, you can assume there will be a higher price tag due to the demand.

  • While spring might boast some of the year’s milder weather, it’s also known for its bouts of unpredictable weather. Any outdoor activity is subject to unfavorable weather.

  • Stock up on Claritin! The beautiful blooms bring bountiful allergens.

Summer Wedding - (June, July, August)

Summertime is always the best of what might be” - Charles Bowden

  • With the sunlight hours stretching later than other seasons, summer weddings typically have extended hours to celebrate.

  • For those foodies out there - summertime’s bountiful produce selection opens up countless menu variations that any couple can agree upon.

  • Fan of bright colors? Bright vivid color schemes dominate the summer season. It’s the perfect time of the year to express yourself with whatever color palette you love!

  • Banking on an outdoor event? Your best chances of landing a predictable weather patterns is in the summer.

  • Similar to the spring season, flowers tend to be abundant during the summer season keeping the price of flowers at a reasonable price.

  • Keep in mind that summer, much like spring, is a busy wedding season. So expect to pay more for that special venue and your favorite vendor.

  • “Summer vacations” are universal. You’ll most likely compete with Europe, Cancun, or some other vacation destination. So, make sure you send out those save-the-dates earlier to solidify that guest list.

  • The bright sunlight during the summer season can pose a challenge to photographers. Be sure to discuss lighting with your photographer before your wedding day.

  • Summer’s extreme temperatures can be unbearable for most people. Without proper planning, you’ll have very unhappy guests. Try something fun like adding a shaved-ice hour in-between your ceremony and reception.

Fall Wedding - (September, October, November)

Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall” - F. Scott Fitzgerald

  • Probably one of the more favored seasonal color palettes, Fall opens many color combinations that’ll leave all of your guests in awe. From dusty rose to the darker teals, the possibilities are endless.

  • The fall’s cooler temperatures open up the possibility of an indoor/outdoor wedding. Having the ceremony taking place outside followed by your indoor reception is a great way to change the scenery at your wedding.

  • Utilizing fall’s natural elements tends to be universally adopted by fall brides. Leaves, natural wood, and pine cones are just a few of the many decor options you can potentially find in your backyard.

  • September is a prime month coming off of the summer season. Lots of vendors and venues will be booked sooner than later. If September is your favored month - best to start planning earlier.

  • Coming off the summer months, you’ll find many friends and family strapped for cash after their summer vacations, not to mention back-to-school costs looming ahead.

  • Fall might have some beautiful temperate weather patterns, perfect for an outdoor event, but the evenings tend to be chilly. Make sure your venue has the proper heating lamps and/or systems in place to keep your guests warm and comfortable.

Winter Wedding-(December, January, February)

Winter is not a season, it’s a celebration” - Anamika Mishra

  • Generally, people’s work schedules often start to slow down during this season - sparking festive moods.

  • Do you have that ‘holiday spirit’? Then, the winter season is for you. From spiced cider to roasted chestnuts, the winter season is packed with memorable holiday elements that can be infused into your wedding style.

  • Is your main focus guest comfort? Winter weddings are a great opportunity to put that to the test. With options like a hot chocolate bar, roaring fires, and cozy blankets, you can’t go wrong.

  • Being “off-season”, winter weddings tend to have more available venues and vendors. You’ll be surprised by the deep discounts of “off-season” weddings.

  • Snowfall is one of those magical moments we’d all like to capture. However, the cold and unpredictable weather attached to it can affect travel plans for you and your guests.

  • For many people, holidays can be stressful, time-consuming, and expensive. Try avoiding dates close to Christmas through New Years'.

  • Many people try to spend their holiday season with close family. If you’re planning a large wedding, your guest list might take a hit due to prior family obligations.

  • Most, if not all, of your wedding events will have to be conducted indoors due to the weather. Keep in mind that the daylight hours are limited if you want to sneak in some pictures outdoors.

Regardless of which season you ultimately decide to get married in, keeping some of these pros and cons in the back of your mind will certainly make your decision making more streamlined and focused.

Feel free to comment below to add to any missed seasonal pros or cons!


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